What are the steps to create a new task in Studiovity?

Managing film tasks effectively is crucial for the success of any film project. Studiovity provides tools to create new film tasks and organize them based on their status. Follow these steps to create and manage your film tasks:

Creating a New Film Task

Web Version Studiovity

  1. Select a Project: Open the film project you are working on. Go to your list of projects and click on the specific film project.
  2. Open Task Manager: Find the Task Manager option in the project’s main menu or dashboard. Click on it to access the film tasks management interface.
  3. Create New Film Task: Click on the “New Task” button. Enter the details for your film task, including title, description, and due date.
  4. Assign Status: Choose a status for the film task:
    • Not Started: For film tasks that have yet to begin.
    • In Progress: For film tasks that are currently being worked on.
    • In Review: For film tasks that are completed and awaiting review.
    • Completed: For film tasks that are finished.
  5. Save Task: Click the “Save” button to add the film task to your project.

Creating a New Film Task

Mobile Version

  1. Select a Project: Open the film project you are working on. Go to your list of projects and tap on the specific film project.
  2. Open Task Manager: Tap the upward arrow at the center of the screen, below the main project interface. Select the Task Manager.
  3. Create New Film Task: Tap on the “New Task” button. Enter the details for your film task, including title, description, and due date.
  4. Assign Status: Choose a status for the film task:
    • Not Started: For film tasks that have yet to begin.
    • In Progress: For film tasks that are currently being worked on.
    • In Review: For film tasks that are completed and awaiting review.
    • Completed: For film tasks that are finished.
  5. Save Task: Tap the “Save” button to add the film task to your project.

Adding Events to Film Tasks Based on Status

Not Started

  • Add Events: Schedule events such as planning meetings, brainstorming sessions, or task assignments. This helps outline what needs to be done before starting the film tasks.

In Progress

  • Add Events: Schedule events like work sessions, progress meetings, and check-ins. This ensures the film tasks are moving forward and any issues can be addressed promptly.

In Review

  • Add Events: Schedule review meetings, feedback sessions, or quality checks. This stage involves ensuring the film tasks meet the required standards before they are marked as completed.


  • Add Events: Schedule wrap-up meetings, post-mortem analysis, or documentation sessions. This helps to officially conclude the film tasks and gather insights for future projects.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and manage film tasks in Studiovity, keeping your film project organized and on track.

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