In the final act of a story, readers expect to see the pieces fall into place. The protagonist must confront their demons and make a final choice that reveals what the entire plot has been building toward. That final choice is called an ending, which comes in several varieties. There are many ways to end a story. Some end in cliffhangers; others end abruptly with shocking revelations that leave the reader reeling; and still others go out on a happy note with everything resolved nicely. How you end your story will have an impact on your readers for years to come — so choose wisely! Here are some of the most common types of story endings and how you can use them for your own writing:
Types of endings
1. The happy ending

The happy ending is the simplest and most traditional type of ending. In this type of ending, the protagonist achieves their main goal and is rewarded for their efforts. The antagonist is defeated, there are no loose ends, and everything ends on a positive note.
Most stories have happy endings. They are what people crave: hope for a good future, a reminder that bad things happen but can be overcome, and reassurance that there is good in the world. They are also what people expect — especially in novels meant for children or other lighthearted stories.
2. The Cliffhanger

A cliffhanger ending is one that cuts off the story in the middle of a scene. It leaves readers with a lot of unanswered questions, but also a strong desire to find out what happens next. Cliffhangers are meant to create a sense of urgency, as if you are literally pushing your readers off a cliff and demanding that they come back for more.
Cliffhangers can be inserted anywhere in the story, including in the very last chapter. Cliffhanger endings are often associated with serials: stories meant to be published in magazines or newspapers over a period of time and then collected into a book. Cliffhanger endings are also common in TV shows, since they are great at keeping viewers coming back for more. If you want to create an ending that makes people want to come back for more, a cliffhanger is an ideal solution.
3. The false ending

The false ending is similar to a cliffhanger ending in that it ends the story in the middle of a scene. However, the false ending is more intricate because the author also creates a false resolution at the same time. The false ending creates momentum that leads the reader to believe that the story has been resolved, when in fact it has been left unresolved.
This is a popular ending in mysteries and is often used to add an extra plot twist to the story. The false ending is a great way to add a powerful twist to a plot. The reader is lulled into thinking that the story has come to an end, only to be proven wrong and left with a new mystery to solve. A false ending is also great for tricking readers who try to figure out the story before it is completed.
4. The Surprise twist

The surprise twist is another type of ending that leaves readers with more questions than answers. This ending is often used for science fiction and fantasy stories that are meant to challenge the way readers think about their world. The twist ending is meant to surprise readers by changing the rules of the story and/or the characters. It is often used to subvert expectations or to challenge prejudice.
A surprise twist ending can go in several directions. It could be a completely unexpected plot twist, such as the discovery that the main character is actually an alien. It could also be a character twist, such as the protagonist turning out to be evil when they were meant to be good. The twist ending is a powerful tool, but it is also a risky one. You need to be careful not to overuse it, or it will lose its impact.
5. The Tragic ending